A music video I shot for Mr Zux on the weekend, featuring Quest Jacob.
The whole video was essentially an experiment to see if I could shoot a music video on my tiny Canon Ixy 510 IS (Also known as Ixus110 IS & SD960 IS) digital camera. And also how quickly I could edit it. When Zux found out I wanted to do a quick video while Jacob was at my studio recording his mix tape, he found this track from his upcoming album featuring Jacob and remixed it in 10 minutes! Just for the video. The video was all shot in Manly, just over the hill from where I live.
Essentially, I'm happy with how it turned out. The camera is fully automatic. It's as 'consumer' as you can get. But it's tiny and the image quality is nice. I'm currently writing a user review of the camera here - http://glenn-thomas.com/canon-powershot-sd960-is-ixus-110-is-ixy-510-is-review-2.htm So go check that out.
Also, the frame rate the camera shoots at in 720P is 30fps. So with anything I shoot on the camera, I set the playback rate to 0.8333 in Sony Vegas so it plays back at 25fps (PAL). In this case, I had to speed up the music for this video, so the guys were miming to it at roughly 18bpm faster than the original.