This is a collection of macro photos I shot around my studio last year. Nothing too exciting, but I like the look :) These were all shot using my Ricoh CX1 camera, which I'm considering selling, as I rarely use it anymore and don't find the quality of the photos to be as nice as those from my Canon S95. However strangely, photos from the CX1 do appear to have more dynamic range than those from the S95. There are 12 photos in the set, and you can browse through them by clicking on the first thumbnail below, and the arrow buttons that appear on the photos to skip to the next or previous.
[slickr-flickr search="sets" set="72157623840323789" type="gallery" thumbnail_scale="96" align="left" items="12" size="m640"]
More photos are on the way. I'm slowly re-organising all the photos I've posted to the site here. Eventually, I'm hoping to have them all appear in easily accessible galleries like this one.
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