Greetings all, some new music here with of course a video to go along with it. For the track here I set up the microphone used a few different sounds that I'd captured. For the percussion like parts, I scraped a lens cap from the back of my Sony lens. Then I also recorded my own voice, and ended up using a tiny part of it for the vocal part, if you could call it that. I changed the notes of that using Melodyne Editor within Presonus Studio One Pro that I recorded the track in. the Izotope Stutter Edit plugin by BT was also used for a few stutter edits.
The video itself was mostly shot in this case to give myself more experience with the Delkin Fat Gecko Camera and Camcorder Mount that I'd recently bought. It was used on all shots minus the first two and worked a treat. As you can see, I'd attached it to a number of different parts of the car. The 16mm Sony lens I was using has no image stabilisation, so it was a bit bumpy at times, but using the Stabilise plugin in Sony Vegas Pro helped a fair bit in some cases.
When I first went out to shoot I realised I hadn't charged the camera battery, so only had 13% of battery left. I thought that might be enough, but no, I needed more so that I could fill then length of the track. I shot what I could with that 13% of remaining battery, but by the time I'd charged enough of the battery to go out and shoot a few more shots, the sun had gone down a bit more making the overall lighting look a lot different. But thankfully I managed to get some decent footage.
And yes, I only have one battery for my camera. I know that sounds very unprofessional and cheap, but to be honest, I really enjoy the limitation of only having a certain amount of time to shoot.
With the editing, I just went for my usual style with loads of jump cuts, half speed slowmo shots (by having the footage set to play back at 0.5 the speed), and some Twixtor shots as well. I hope you enjoy the music and video. More on the way soon.
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