Another quick one, just like yesterday's video here. The music I did pretty quickly, and although it sounds a bit cheesey, I decided to use it anyway. Hence the name, and fake, because I'm vegan and don't eat real cheese for obvious reasons (cancer, heart disease, diabetes etc). Footage is the left over footage from yesterday's video too.
Nothing special with the track here.. Just a few synths and drum machine sounds. It was a bit tricky to mix, just like the previous track. Not sure why, the stuff I was doing a week ago sounded a lot better.
Tried to get artistic with the effects on the video too. I did a quick edit.. Probably one of my quickest ever - about 5 to 10 minutes. Then I duplicated the track, added an outline effect to the top track, multiplied it with the track underneath, and added a BCC9 Grunge effect to that track. For the blend mode on that itself, I used the Differencve x2 setting. My main reason for using effects with this old footage is to get it looking decent at 1080P. The footage on it's own upsized, would just look rubbish.
I do really like the artistic looks you can achieve by using these different plugins. Ideally I should be shooting and editing everything in 4K now. That extra resolution would allow for some decent looking prints.

By the way, I still find myself doing these tracks and videos at night before going to bed, and then uploading them the following day (which is technically still the same day in the US), as I'm doing here. Hopefully by sometime next week, I can get myself into the habit of doing them first thing in the morning instead. Which I haven't done since the first video I made at the start of the month.

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