This was shot on my old HV20 with the SG Pro 35mm adapter. And wow, thinking about it, those 35mm adapters are definitely a thing of the past now. But it did a good job for a few years. I shot some nice videos with it. But the footage here, not so good. Which is why, once again, I've used a cartoon filter. It really helps with blurry or noisy footage. I also used the Hitfilm Color Vibrance plugin for the blueish aqua tint.
The video was entirely shot from the one location, a window in our hotel room. Siam Siam I think was the name of the hotel. I just used different lenses to add variation. My Nikon 135mm f2.8 would have been the longest for the most distant shots.
And the music, usual deal again, Presonus Studio One, Arturia synth plugins, some Goldbaby drum samples, and Slate plugins.
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