Be sure to watch this until the very end!
The first of my 'Beats, Bass & Video' series where I'll be digging out a whole bunch of hip hop beats and tracks I've recorded over the years but never finished, and edited video to them. Like the music, most of the video will be random clips I never got around to doing anything with. New material also.
This one, 00000003.restored - The music here I recorded back in 1995. Drums from the Akai MPC3000, bassline on the E-MU e64 sampler, and I think the melody was from a Yamaha TX81Z. It was recorded to TDK D90 cassette. Remastered and denoised with Izotope's Ozone 4 plugin. Most of the sound effects are from the video.
The video part - Mostly random footage from the HV20.