Ok, following on from my previous post (scroll down to see it) I thought I'd add a few more details here. By the way, yesterday was our 4th wedding anniversary :)
Up until I start working on this project I'll be posting as much about it as I can. The idea is that the more people who know I'm doing something like this, the more pressure there'll be to ensure I get it done and won't be viewed as a failure. Does that make sense? Yeah, putting my non-existent reputation on the line here, hehe. I tried a daily challenge like this once before but didn't get far. But yeah, I want to get this happening.
Of course, what will happen if I miss a day? These things can happen. It will just mean that I'll have to create two music videos the next day, or three the day after if I miss that second day.
The next question is, where will the music videos be posted? I'll add them daily to my blog here. The main site I'll be posting them to will be Exposure Room where anyone who is a member will be able to download the original high-quality HD MP4 version of the file. I'd put them on Vimeo too, except I don't have the 'Plus' membership and their free membership only allows up to one HD movie a week. I'll put them on YouTube too as they allow HD videos now, plus maybe a few other sites if I upload via Tube Mogul. Maybe even Flickr. Of course, wherever they end up, each video will be posted on my blog here.
More tech info. How and why will I use Vegas (7) to create the music? My original 'Hold On' music video from 2001 was created entirely using Vegas. Simply because it's all I had to work with on my laptop whilst in the Philippines when I first started working on it. The drums, bass, and guitar parts were chopped and dragged onto the timeline as was the horn part. I'd dumped a bunch of WAV files onto that laptop ready to go. Then later once I'd edited the video, I took sound effects from the video, chopped, time stretched, and edited those to the music.
So here's how it will work and why it didn't before. Normally I would create the music elsewhere, either in Acid, Nuendo, or on the MPC500, finish the track, and load it into Vegas. The trouble is, a lot of the time I can't edit all the video I want to use to the audio. I'll edit the video to the end of the track and there'll be additional video left over. So now if I'm creating my beats, composing the music parts, and editing the video simultaneously, I can easily adjust the length of the arrangement to accommodate the video. Plus, I'm much quicker at chopping beats and editing audio in Vegas. It's what I know the most. Being able to use Acid loops should help when I'm stuck for ideas too. Or to add a few background string parts, effects, or whatever.
Lastly, I'll be mixing all the tracks through my Onyx 1620 mixer with a dodgy old 4-channel Behringer (crap) compressor and the same old outboard fx units I was using back in the 90s. I'm even planning on using my old Realistic (Tandy) reverb unit that I bought back in 1985. The music will be output from the computer via 2x M-Audio Delta 1010LT cards and mixed down back to the computer via the Onyx 1620's firewire interface to Soundforge. From there the mixdown will be mastered and loaded back into the Vegas project. All the individual audio tracks will be muted, and the completed music videos will be exported from there.
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